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Re: News From Russia

PostPosted: Sat Jun 18, 2016 7:32 am
by wildrose
'Brilliant'? 'Talented'? What Did Putin Really Call Trump? :roll2:
Sounds like another case of our news media dropping the ball. An accurate translation should be something within the capabilities of big media news organizations... you'd think...

Re: News From Russia

PostPosted: Tue Jun 21, 2016 6:30 am
by cactuspete
Why am I to blame? 'Clean' Russian athletes may be banned from 1st Olympics due to doping scandal
Banning on a case by case basis makes sense if there's proof that an individual athlete has violated some rule, but banning an entire team is clearly, obviously, and undeniably politically motivated. It looks like the Olympic Committee is yet another puppet of the USA.

Re: News From Russia

PostPosted: Wed Jun 22, 2016 9:42 am
by ruskyed
In other words, athletes from the USA cannot compete with Russian athletes and so in order to increase the medal count for the USA, the US government put pressure on the Olympic Committee to come up with a cheap excuse to ban as many Russian athletes as possible. Meanwhile, half-witted newscasters try to rationalize these actions and probably at least some viewers are dim-witted enough to accept the misinformation as gospel.

Re: News From Russia

PostPosted: Wed Jun 22, 2016 10:55 am
by surfsteve
The substance concerned in the ban is Meldonium, which was legal till 2016. Supposedly it's a pain reliever similar to Tylenol at least claimed by Russian athletes. Apparently the entire track and field team was using it. I don't know anything about it and never heard of it before but it seems the same argument could be made about Tylenol or caffeine. What happened to the good old days when guys like Lance Armstrong tested positively clean? ( That was a joke people! )

Re: News From Russia

PostPosted: Wed Jun 29, 2016 7:15 am
by cactuspete
Who will benefit from ‪‎Brexit‬? Of course, Putin! Who else? :roll2:
It is an advantage for Russia to deal economically with each nation separately, but so far only one nation has left the EU and that's the nation least attached geographically to the others.

Re: News From Russia

PostPosted: Thu Jul 07, 2016 7:19 am
by wildrose
Putin Issues July 4 Message to Obama
The problem is that Russia insists on being treated as an equal and the USA isn't willing to do that. For the USA most countries fall into two categories: subservient or hostile.

Re: News From Russia

PostPosted: Mon Jul 11, 2016 7:52 am
by desertrat
Meanwhile In Russia: Cow dung throwing festival in the Urals
A tradition worth keeping alive? :laugh:
Nothing wrong with it as long as they wash their hands afterwards!

Re: News From Russia

PostPosted: Mon Jul 25, 2016 8:36 am
by MojaveMike
Whether Or Not Russians Hacked DNC Means Nothing Concerning How Newsworthy The Details Are
The tactic used by the DNC to distract the public from the issue is laughable. Blaming it on the Russians might get a reaction out of people over forty, but most people couldn't care less whether it was the Russians or the Chinese or a bunch of fourteen-year-olds with nothing better to do. The biggest problem with the tactic is that there is little or no evidence that the Russians were involved.
Of course, whether or not you believe that may depend on how credible you find the big cybersecurity firms like CrowdStrike, FireEye and Mandiant (the big names that always pop up in situations like this). For what it's worth, these guys have something of a vested interest in playing up the threat of big hacks from nation-state level hackers.

So-called experts often abuse their status as experts and provide misinformation to help out a client or move an agenda forward. They cherry pick the data and use it to bolster claims which can't actually be substantiated.
And yet, we already have stories arguing that "Putin weaponized Wikileaks to influence" the US election. That's ridiculous on multiple levels. Wikileaks releases all kinds of stuff, whether you agree with them or not. And the idea that this will actually impact the election seems... unlikely.


Re: News From Russia

PostPosted: Tue Jul 26, 2016 11:40 am
by desertrat
Wikileaks Crashes The DNC
The DNC spin machine is working really hard to stick to their story that the Russians did it. They even have so-called security experts backing their story with a lot of BS claims that aren't worth...
Meanwhile, a Romanian hacker who goes by Guccifer 2.0 has claimed responsibility. The DNC and it's herd of sold out supposed security experts (including FBI officials) are trying to discredit claims that it was anyone other than the Russians. No matter what, it just HAS to be the Russians!!!!!!

Re: News From Russia

PostPosted: Tue Jul 26, 2016 5:19 pm
by surfsteve
I just assumed it was the Russians. Looking more and more like I was wrong.