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Re: Blood Pressure

PostPosted: Sat Jun 15, 2019 10:38 am
by MojaveMike
Nattokinase and blood pressure
This stuff sounds like it works and there's scientific evidence to support that assertion!

Re: Blood Pressure

PostPosted: Sun Jun 16, 2019 9:32 am
by surfsteve
Yep! I paid 75 dollars for a kilogram of nattokinase not that long ago. Last time I checked it was almost 4 times that on Amazon. I've also made my own natto. But all this has been since the last time I checked my blood pressure a few years ago and found it to be extremely low, so it had nothing to do with it. I don't eat natto anymore because I'm back on a raw diet. Haven't had any nattokinase either for at least a week or two nor any other supplements but I haven't sworn off the stuff and will probably be taking it again after I've reset my metabolism.

Nattokinase dissolves dead proteins. Not only in your arteries but also in your muscles and the rest of your body. It is systemic and after taking a tablespoon I can taste it for several days. When you take it for the first time it makes your teeth feel really smooth. I think this is because it dissolves the plaque on them. If you have plaque on your teeth you probably have plaque in your arteries. The recommended dosage for nattokinase is 1/32nd of a teaspoon per day so a tablespoon every few days is quite a large dose above what is recommended. So do it at your own risk. I'll say though that it really did a number on the bursitis I used to have in my shoulder. Probably have the cleanest arteries in town as a side effect...

Re: Blood Pressure

PostPosted: Tue Aug 27, 2019 5:21 pm
by panamint_patty
What is Nattokinase?
Nattokinase sounds interesting, but the Keto diet seems a little bit like one of those things that crazy people do.

Re: Blood Pressure

PostPosted: Wed Aug 28, 2019 6:16 am
by dzrtdwg
panamint_patty: I tend not to believe that single supplements can have any real effect. I think it's all psychosomatic. There might be a few exceptions, but I think a well-rounded healthy diet is the best approach to health. Maybe some people have special needs, but most people should do just fine with a reasonable diet that avoids excessive fat and sugar and which includes adequate fiber, protein, and fruits and veges.

Re: Blood Pressure

PostPosted: Wed Aug 28, 2019 6:56 am
by surfsteve
Don't you mean what healthy people do Patty? I been on a near keto diet for years. Only meat and vegetables for me with fruit whenever it is in season. I cut out all grains nearly a decade ago.

There are many herbs and foods on the market that lower blood pressure. I'm starting to believe that high blood pressure, like high cholesterol is misunderstood by mainstream medicine. It is generally accepted by alternative medicine now that high cholesterol is not the cause but instead is the body's defense against stress. Much like lots of firemen indicates the high probability of a fire, removing the firemen does not decrease the likelihood of a fire unless you first remove the causes, like the dead wood in the forest or those flammable chemicals in your garage.

When it comes to blood pressure the latest alternative theories are that the body patches arteries with cholesterol when they become weak and brittle. Much like cleaning up the dead wood in a forest, if you clean up the dead cells in you arteries and manage you nutrition to build them up strong and disease free and strong, you wont need the cholesterol to patch them up.

Dr. Berg does keto right. He eats meat, healthy fats and 7 to 10 cups of raw leafy vegetables. If you try and do keto and skip the vegetables and instead have a slice of bread for your carbs like most people doing keto, you are setting yourself up for disaster. The reason keto works is not because of the low carbs but because of the nutrition you get from eating unprocessed, natural foods.

Re: Blood Pressure

PostPosted: Tue Nov 10, 2020 8:31 pm
by camel
Nattokinase - The Natural Secret For Better Blood Flow, Circulation & Blood Pressure
Magnesium, beet powder, and this should help out a lot with blood pressure. At least if all the claims are true.